lauantai 26. joulukuuta 2015

Charles Willeford's bibliography

The bibliography of masterful crime writer, Charles Willeford. Hope it's complete, with poems and all.

Proletarian Laughter (Alicat Bookshop Press, 1948) (poetry)
Seven prose "Schematics"
"Proletarian Laughter"
"In the Truck, In the Back"
"In a Simple Search for Justice"
"The Tree, the Sky, the Sleeper"
"We, Willeford, the People"
"Passion and Permanence"
"Death is My Brother"
"Eight Panes of Glass"
"In Case of Night"
"For Which I Sought and Saw It"
"The Responsibility of Command"
"Soil Erotica"
"Continuity ..."
High Priest of California (Royal Books Giant #G-20, 1953)
Pick-Up (Beacon, 1955)
High Priest of California/Wild Wives (Beacon #B130, 1956) (Wild Wives a.k.a. Until I Am Dead)
Honey Gal (a.k.a. The Black Mass of Brother Springer) (Beacon #B160, 1958)
Lust is a Woman (a.k.a. Made in Miami) (Beacon #B175, 1958)
The Woman Chaser (original title The Director) (Newsstand Library #U137, 1960)
Understudy for Love (original title The Understudy: A Novel About Men and Women) (Newsstand Library #U170, 1961)
Whip Hand (original title Deliver Me From Dallas!) (New York: Gold Medal, 1961) (By W. Franklin Sanders; Willeford co-wrote it, but his name didn't make it into print)
Cockfighter (Chicago Paperback House #B-120, 1962)
No Experience Necessary (Newsstand Library #U182, 1962) (The first chapters are not Willeford's, and some parts were later re-used in Sideswipe)
The Machine in Ward Eleven (Belmont, 1963)
"The Machine in Ward Eleven"
"Selected Incidents"
"A Letter to A.A. (Almost Anybody)"
"Jake's Journal"
"Just Like on Television -"
"The Alectryomancer"
Poontang and Other Poems (New Athenaeum Press, 1967) (poetry)
"Grendel's Dam"
"A Pastoral for Leroi Jones"
"Drive-in Sestina"
"U.S. Tourist in Jerusalem"
"The 2nd Half of the Double-feature"
"Basement Pastoral No. 2"
The Burnt Orange Heresy (Crown, 1971)
The Hombre from Sonora (Lenox Hill Press, 1971) (as Will Charles)
A Guide for the Undehemorrhoided (self-published, 1977)
Off the Wall: A True Life Novel (Pegasus Rex, 1980)
Miami Blues* (St. Martin's, 1984)
Grimhaven* (1985) (never published; depressing sequel in which Hoke kills his two daughters and tries to kill his ex-wife and her new husband)
New Hope for the Dead* (St. Martin's, 1985)
Something About a Soldier (Random House, 1986) (autobiography)
New Forms of Ugly: The Immobilized Hero in Modern Fiction (Dennis McMillan, 1987) (expanded version of master's thesis)
Kiss Your Ass Goodbye (Dennis McMillan, 1987) (Part two, the Hank Norton section, of The Shark-Infested Custard, with a different ending)
Sideswipe* (St. Martin's, 1987)
Cockfighter Journal (Santa Barbara: Maurice Neville Rare Books, 1988)
Everybody's Metamorphosis (Dennis McMillan, 1988)
"Checking Out"
"Give the Man a Cigar"
"To a Nephew in College"
"The Deserted Village"
"Nowhere for a Gone Cat"
"A Matter of Taste"
"The Old Man at the Bridge"
"Citizen's Arrest"
"Some Lucky License"
"The Man Who Loved Ann Landers"
"The Gardener and the Princess"
"An Actor Prepares"
"Warren & Lee"
"How I Learned Survival in the Age of Aquarius"
"A Scenario for Mr. Bigelow"
(Bibliography by Don Herron)
I Was Looking for a Street (Woodstock, Vermont: Countryman Press, 1988) (autobiography)
The Way We Die Now* (Random House, 1988)
The Shark-Infested Custard (Novato, California: Underwood/Miller, 1993)
The Difference (Tucson, Arizona: Dennis McMillan, 1999) (reprint of The Hombre from Sonora)

keskiviikko 2. joulukuuta 2015

William Johnstonin suomennosten bibliografia

Max Smart -kirjojen kirjoittajana tunnetun William Johnstonin muut suomennokset:

Fonzie – prätkäkunkku. Onnen päivät 4. Nykylehdet: Helsinki 1979. Julkaistu ilman tekijän nimeä.
Fonzie skolessa. Onnen päivät 5. Nykylehdet: Helsinki 1979. Alun perin Fonzie Drops In. Grosset 1974.
Fonzie supertähti. Onnen päivät 1. Nykylehdet: Helsinki 1978. Alun perin Fonzie Superstar. Grosset 1976. Julkaistu ilman tekijän nimeä.
Fonzie ja Tiflarin mimmit. Onnen päivät 3. Nykylehdet: Helsinki 1979. Julkaistu ilman tekijän nimeä.
Mennään kovaa! Onnen päivät 6. Nykylehdet: Helsinki. 1979 alun perin The Invaders. Grosset 1975.
Opillinen oikotie. Onnen päivät 7. Nykylehdet: Helsinki 1979 Alun perin: Fonzie goes to college. Grosset 1977.
Richie retkahtaa. Onnen päivät 2. Nykylehdet: Helsinki 1978. Julkaistu ilman tekijän nimeä.
Trans-Globen lentoemännät. Broadway 3. Suom. Renne Nikupaavola. Valpas-Mainos: Alavus 1965. Alun perin Girls on the Wing. Monarch 1962.

maanantai 16. marraskuuta 2015

Hugh B. Cave in Finnish

Hugh B. Cave was a very well-known American horror writer who wrote for the pulps and the slicks. There are some short stories that came out in Finnish and are attributed to him, but I can't find any info on them being published as by Hugh B. Cave. When I was in contact with Cave (a month before he died!), he said he couldn't remember the stories, so they are not necessarily his stories, but only wrongly attributed to him. Does anyone recognize these stories? The titles are translated back into English, all came out in Finnish in the early fifties. I think the short notes I have here are from an e-mail to Cave. They are a bit hazy, I admit.

"Corday's Alibi", published in 1938: a filler (two or three pages) about a man who kills the boss he hates. Twist in the end.

"Journalist Butts In", published in 1951: a journalist who is writing a story about a famous architect is not allowed to search his attic and begins to suspect that there is something fishy going on.

"The Case of the Poison Bottle", published in 1951: a very English-type mansion mystery, I can't remember the details anymore.

"Hopeless Tony", published in 1958 as by Hugh A. Cave (sic): short romantic story, clearly from a slick.

PS. Here are also the horror stories published in Finnish by Cave:

Haaksirikko (yhdessä Jonathan Eldridgen kanssa). Seikkailujen Maailma 2/1938. Alun perin Derelict, Adventure, toukokuu 1937.
Kawalon kirous, teoksessa Markku Sadelehto (toim.): Outoja tarinoita 4. Jalava. Alun perin Imp of Satan, Horror Stories, lokakuu 1935. 
Odottavia naisia, teoksessa Michele Slung: Värisyttävä kosketus. Alun perin Ladies in Waiting, Whispers, kesäkuu 1975 (kirjassa Whispers, Doubleday 1977). 

Syvyyksien alta, teoksessa Markku Sadelehto (toim.): Outoja tarinoita 6. Jalava. Alun perin From the Lower Deep, teoksessa Whispers II, Doubleday 1979.

keskiviikko 11. marraskuuta 2015

Kuutamohulluus-kirjan sisällysluettelo

Tein Ntamolle pienen kirjan Kuutamohulluus, jossa on 13 vanhaa ja outoa suomalaista pulp-novellia, lähinnä 1940-luvulta, mutta myös muilta vuosikymmeniltä. Tässä Ntamon oman kaupan linkki, ja alla sisällysluettelo.

anonyymi: Vieras avaruudesta (Sormenjälki 8/1949)
Heikki Siitonen: Kufranin keitaat (Seikkailujen Maailma 10–11/1962)
Niilo Karola: Kapteeni Blood (Salainen Salkku 1/1944)
Jaska Rähäkkä: Halki palavan preerian (Isku 25–26/1941; kaksoisnumero)
 Eino Liekki: Professori Tähtiniemen hermoklinikka (Seikkailujen Maailma 2/1940)
Iisakki Evä: Bora-Boran valkeapää (Lukemista Kaikille 23/1934)
Timo Haukkala (Harry Etelä): Pirun luola (Isku 50/1937)
Kalevi O. P. Nervas: Kymmenentuhatta jeniä naisesta (Isku 6/1938)
Veikko Hannuniemi: Kuutamohulluus (tuntematon)
 Teppo Karo: Olin ruokalistalla (Jerry Cotton 9/1963)
Klaus Marno: Tri Martinon salaisuus (Salainen Salkku 5/1944)
Maunu Jorva: Kunniamerkit (Isku 14–15/1940)
Osmo Kosta: Vuonna 2944... (Isku 7/1941)

John Coleman Burroughs

The bibliography of John Coleman Burroughs, Edgar Rice's son, who was the real writer behind The Giant of Mars. John's stuff in comic books not included.

Short stories with Hulbert Burroughs (his brother):
The Man Without A World, Thrilling Wonder Stories, June 1939.
The Lightning Men, Thrilling Wonder Stories, February 1940.
The Bottom of the World, also illustrated,, Startling Stories, September 1941.

Short stories with Jane Ralston Burroughs (wife):
Hybrid of Horror, Thrilling Mystery, July 1940.

Novel as by Edgar Rice Burroughs:
John Carter of Mars, Whitman 1940. (Also illustrated.)
The Giant of Mars, Amazing, tammikuu 1941. (Expanded edition of "John Carter of Mars". Also published: Amazing, January 1964, paperback Ballantine 1965.)

Novel as by John Coleman Burroughs:
Treasure Of The Black Falcon. Ballantine 1967.

Short story by Hulbert Burroughs:
The Fight Over the Solomons, Air War 2/1944.

tiistai 10. marraskuuta 2015

RikosPalat-lehti 1987-1988

RikosPalat oli Kolmiokirjan julkaisema rikosnovelleja sisältänyt lehti, johon kirjoitti ensimmäisen ei-Jerry Cotton -aiheisen rikosnovellinsa Tapani Bagge. Bagge myös käänsi lehden novellit, joista moni oli peräisin Alfred Hitchcock's Mystery Magazinesta ja oli uudelleenjulkaisuja vanhemmista lehdistä. RikosPaloja päätoimitti aluksi Joni Skiftesvik, jonka idea lehti alun perinkin oli, mutta numerossa 2/1988 vastuu siirtyi Seppo Tuiskulle. Tässä RikosPalojen sisällysluettelot.

RikosPalat 1/87
Joni Skiftesvik: Lehti on syntynyt (pääkirjoitus)
Paul Jones: Variksenpelätin
Fredric Brown: Hyv'yötä, ritari
Cornell Woolrich: Perintö
Tapani Bagge: Cornell Woolrich ja tuhoon tuomittu ihminen (Maailman parhaita jännityskirjailijoita, osa 1)
Henry Slesar: Hyvin harvinainen sairaus
Edgar Wallace: Runollinen poliisi
James Ronald: Toinen pullo
Henry Vadim: Iltakävely Tuileries'n puistossa (dekkaripähkinä)
Robert Bloch: Yön kauhuja
Frank Gruber: Murhan avain

RikosPalat 2/87
Joni Skiftesvik: Dekkarit myötätuulessa (pääkirjoitus)
Dan J. Marlowe: Kypsä poimittavaksi
Henry Slesar: Viimeinen nauru
Pentti Kirstilä: Tirkistelijä
Joe Gores: Viimeinen hetkesi
Tapani Bagge: Joe Gores - alan mies (RikosPalat esittelee)
Henri Vadim: Rue de Lorrainen ruumis (dekkaripähkinä)
Edgar Wallace: Aarteenmetsästys
Harold Q. Masur: Bumerangi
Jack Ritchie: Taipumaton
Alvin S. Fick: Ystäväni Sweets

RikosPalat 3/87
Joni Skiftesvik: Julkaisukynnystä kokeilemaan (pääkirjoitus)
Michael Zuroy: Enää kymmenen minuuttia
Pirkko Arhippa: Välikäsi
Robert Bloch: Pettävää kauneutta
Henri Vadim: Puoli yhdentoista sadekuuro (dekkaripähkinä)
Edgar Wallace: Ryhmä
Fredric Brown: Joka tulella leikkii
Tapani Bagge: Fredric Brown - murha mielessä (RikosPalat esittelee)
William F. Nolan: Asianajaja
H.C. Malcolm: Rautalangan pätkä
Tapani Bagge: Rikosmarkkinat (kirja-arvosteluja)

Joni Skiftesvik: Laadukasta, kotimaista... (pääkirjoitus)
Matti Kid Hytönen: Viimeinen potti
Dion Henderson: Metsästyskuume
Tapani Bagge: Alamäki
Henri Vadim: Orkidean tuoksu (dekkaripähkinä)
Edgar Wallace: Marmorivaras
Timo Palin: Vankilan venkulat (sarjakuva)
Tapani Bagge: Edgar Wallacen rikollinen mielikuvitus (RikosPalat esittelee)
Steve Lindley: Hitunen hiljaista arvokkuutta
Otso Kantokorpi: Lomalle
Frank F. Bennet: Murhapeli
Tapani Bagge: Rikosmarkkinat (uutisia, arvosteluja)

Joni Skiftesvik: Kiitos ja näkemiin (pääkirjoitus)
Pekka Virtanen: Iso-Liimataisen juhannus
Robert Bloch: Jää luokseni, Lucy
Tapani Bagge: Robert Bloch - pikkupojan sydän lasipurkissa (RikosPalat esittelee)
Kenneth Gavrell: Käärmesaari
Henri Vadim: Järkytystä kyllikseen (dekkaripähkinä)
Edgar Wallace: Puhdas melodraama
Timo Palin: Vankilan venkulat
Fredric Brown: Takkuinen koira
Eero Mäkinen: Raymond Chandler. Syntymästä sata vuotta
Tapani Bagge: Rikosmarkkinat

Seppo Tuisku: Uutta verta (pääkirjoitus)
Edgar Wallace: Vihreä mamba
Tapani Bagge: Musta naamio ja murha kadulla. Black Maskin tarina osa 1
Tapani Bagge: Norbert Davis - synkkämielinen humoristi (RikosPalat esittelee)
Norbert Davis: Mieletön murha
Michael Avallone: Murhaaja oikeussalissa (dekkaripähkinä)
William F. Nolan: Synkkä tapaaminen
Tapani Bagge: Maanantai
Timo Palin: Vankilan venkulat
Charles Boeckmann: Luokkakokous
Bill Pronzini: Kuolinhetki
Richard Quarrie: Kuoleman kanssa kasvokkain
Tapani Bagge: Rikosmarkkinat

Seppo Tuisku: Ei ammuta pianistia (pääkirjoitus)
Tapani Bagge: Aina murha kotiolot voittaa
Day Keene: Murha mielessä
Tapani Bagge: Kapu ja pojat. Black Maskin tarina osa 2.
Tapani Bagge: Day Keene - mysteerien mies (RikosPalat esittelee)
Edgar Wallace: Outo tapaus
Henri Vadim: Kuolema kuokkavieraana (dekkaripähkinä)
Fredric Brown: Kauhun hetkiä
Ken Denbow: Petoksia

Seppo Tuisku: Tappava tottumus (pääkirjoitus)
Morris Hershman: Osallistuva vaimo
Frank Gruber: Kissa ja hiiri
James McKimmey: Harjoitus tekee mestarin
Tapani Bagge: Keskiyö Rio de Janeirossa
Henri Vadim: Murhapäivällinen (dekkaripähkinä)
Edgar Wallace: Sijoittajat
Bendan DuBois: Hieno tilaisuus
Timo Palin: Vankilan venkulat
Tapani Bagge: Legenda elää. Black Maskin tarina osa 3
Tapani Bagge: Frank Gruber - pyhäkoululehdistä rikoksen poluille

Tapani Bagge: Rikosmarkkinat

Vanhat Nick Carterit suomeksi

Erään artikkelini perässä oli listaus vanhoista dime novel -kauden eli 1800-1900-lukujen vaihteen Nick tai Nicholas Cartereista, joita suomeksi oli julkaistu. Artikkeli on tulossa kirjaan, mutta listaus ei, joten laitan sen tänne.

Nicholas Carter -suomennosten bibliografia

Molemmilla puolilla valtamerta eli Nick Carter salakuljettajien jäljillä. Salapoliisin seikkailuja. Yrjö Weilin: Tampere 1907. Sama teos kuin Nihilistin pauloissa.

Nick Carterin seikkailut: salapoliisin kokemuksia. Suom. T. J-i. [Toimi Juuti] Gust. Roneliuksen kirjakauppa: Pori 1907.

Nihilistin pauloissa eli jalokivien salakulettaja. Yrjö Weilin: Sortavala 1907. Alun perin Frederick Russell Burton: Among the Nihilists. Street & Smith 1895 tai 1898.

Pankkiosoitus n:o 777: salapoliisiromaani. Suom. V. Ester Dahl. Karjalan kirjapaino: Viipuri 1904. Alun perin Check No. 777, Nick Carter Library, 24.10.1891.

Rikollisten kaupunki: salapoliisikertomus. Kustannusliike Kullervo: Tampere 1909.

Salakuljettaja: salapoliisin muistiinpanoja. Osuuskunta Väinämöinen: Tampere 1908. Sama teos kuin Nihilistin pauloissa.

Salaperäinen murha. Suom. A. V. K. [Antti Vihtori Komulainen] Kaakkois-Karjalan kirjapaino-o.y.: Käkisalmi 1907.

tiistai 27. lokakuuta 2015

Western fiction by James Blish

I came across this short bibliography on an old computer of mine. I don't know anymore who compiled it, but I'm pretty sure it's reliable. James Blish was a science fiction writer, working in that genre from the early fifties on. He also wrote some western short stories for the pulps, here they are. Someone could do a small collection.

James Blish's complete Western pulp output was:

- Back-Shot Legacy (ss) {with Virginia Kidd, according to Blish's sales ledger}
Western Action 4-47 {as by Luke Torley}

- Barbed-Wire Law (ss)
Blue Ribbon Western 5-47 {as by Luke Torley}

- Bonanza in Lead (ss)
Famous Western 4-48

- Chinook Bill and the Shootin' Woman (ss)
Complete Cowboy Novel Magazine 11-48

- Freedom Lode (NT)
Six Gun Western 9-48

- The Hound of Hades (ss)
Blue Ribbon Western 8-49

maanantai 26. lokakuuta 2015

Charles Beckman, Jr.

Pulp writer Charles Beckman died just recently, he was born in 1920 and started out in pulps in 1945. Here's a working bibliography I made from the Fictionmags Index lists, Abebooks and other places. It's not complete and there are books that are not by Beckman 100 % sure (such as books as by Alex Carter). There's a book called Pulp Jazz including Beckman's bibliography, but I don't have it. Comments and corrections welcome.

Short stories as Charles Beckman:

Strictly Poison (ss) Detective Tales Oct 1945
Die—Die Baby (ss) Detective Tales Feb 1946
Rest in Pieces (ss) Detective Tales Jul 1946
Crime on My Hands (ss) New Detective Magazine Sep 1946
Death’s Door (ss) New Detective Magazine Nov 1946
Badman from Boston (ss) Fifteen Western Tales Jan 1947
Die Dancing, Kid (ss) Detective Tales Jan 1947
Time to Kill (ss) New Detective Magazine Jan 1947
Lobo’s Last Bluff (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine Feb 1947
Rusty Guns (ss) Fifteen Western Tales Mar 1947
Bitter Reunion at Rimrock (ss) 10 Story Western Magazine May 1947
Cold Kill (ss) New Detective Magazine May 1947
The Touch That Kills (ss) Detective Tales Jun 1947
Died in the Wool (ss) New Detective Magazine Jul 1947
Afraid to Live (ss) All-Story Detective Oct 1949
Murder on My Mind (ss) New Detective Magazine Nov 1949
Run, Cat, Run! (ss) Dime Mystery Magazine Dec 1949
Eddie Builds His Mouse Trap (ss) Detective Tales Mar 1950
Blackmail Is a Boomerang (ss) F.B.I. Detective Stories Apr 1950
Death Speaks Softly (ss) New Detective Magazine Jul 1950
Satan’s Step-Daughter (ss) Black Mask Detective Jul 1950
Murder Rides Again! (ss) 15 Story Detective Oct 1950
How Dead Can You Get? (ss) Crime Fiction Stories Dec 1950
The Death Dancer (ss) Popular Detective Mar 1951
Island in Hell (ss) 15 Story Detective May 1951
Hell’s Hot Lick (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Oct 1951
Born to the Law (ss) Dime Western Magazine Jan 1952
The Kid Comes Back (ss) New Western Magazine Jan 1952
A Dead Man’s Chest (ss) New Detective Magazine Apr 1952
Light Candles for Kippy (ss) New Detective Magazine Aug 1952
Man of the Island (ss) Sir! Oct 1952
Home for Killers (ss) Mobsters Dec 1952
I’ll Make the Arrest (ss) Manhunt Jan 1953
Two Babes and the Hoods (ss) Detective Story Magazine Jan 1953
Doll, Drop Dead! (ss) Detective Tales Feb 1953
Home Is the Killer! (ss) Fifteen Western Tales Mar 1953
Double Tough’s Not Enough! (ss) Detective Tales Apr 1953
The Last Trumpet (ss) New Detective Magazine Apr 1953
How to Kill a Corpse (ss) Dime Detective Magazine Jun 1953
No Man Could Tame Her! (nv) Star Western Jun 1953
Tough Cop (ss) Thrilling Detective Sum 1953
Ybor City (ss) Manhunt Jun 1953
Ladron to Laredo (nv) .44 Western Magazine Jul 1953
Showdown (vi) Gunsmoke Aug 1953
The Body in the Boat (nv) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine Sep 1953
Brazos Woman (nv) Star Western Oct 1953
Case History (ss) Manhunt Nov 1953
Dixieland Dirge (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine Nov 1953
Killing on Seventh Street (ss) Manhunt Dec 1953
Night Before Murder (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories Dec 1953
The Prophetic Portrait Painter (ss) Malcolm’s Jan 1954
Little Miss Murder (ss) Fifteen Detective Stories Feb 1954
The Assassins (nv) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine Mar 1954
Stagecoach to Hell (ss) Western Ace High Stories Apr 1954
The Last Bullet (ss) Fifteen Western Tales May 1954
Should a Tear Be Shed? (ss) Malcolm’s May 1954
You Know What I Did? (ss) Manhunt May 1954
Two Grand (ss) Manhunt Jul 1954
Watch Him Die (nv) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine Jul 1954
Alibi (ss) The Pursuit Detective Story Magazine Sep 1954
The Bargain (ss) Manhunt Oct 1954
Murder, Maestro, Please (ss) Famous Detective Stories Oct 1954
Death Comes Calling (nv) Fifteen Detective Stories Dec 1954
Death Walks in the Fog (ss) Double-Action Detective Stories #1 1954
The Restless Corpse (nv) Fifteen Detective Stories Feb 1955
The Absent Corpse (ss) Famous Detective Stories Apr 1955
His Brand Is Yellow! (nv) Fifteen Western Tales Apr 1955
Speak of the Dead (ss) Famous Detective Stories Jun 1955
A Hot Lick for Doc (ss) Justice Jul 1955
Saddle Shy (ss) Fifteen Western Tales Aug 1955
The Big Salt Lick (ss) Famous Western Dec 1955
Rope for a Pretty Neck (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine Jun 1956
The Last Straw (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine Jul 1956
Mind Your Own Business (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine Aug 1956
Door of Doom (ss) Homicide Detective Story Magazine Sep 1956; possibly “Death’s Door” (New Detective Magazine, November 1946).
Hell’s Cargo (nv) Action-Packed Western Sep 1956
One Thin Dime (ss) Guilty Detective Story Magazine Sep 1956
A Blue Note for Johnny Valenta (ss) Rogue Oct 1956
Stool Pigeon (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine Oct 1956
The Blood-Red Snow (ss) Murder Mar 1957
One-Way Fare (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine Apr 1957
Hans Was a Very Stubborn Man (nv) Western Romances Jul 1957
The Terrible Laugh (ss) Trapped Detective Story Magazine Jun 1958
Nymph in the Keyhole (ss) Mystery Tales Dec 1958
Framed (ss) Mike Shayne Mystery Magazine Feb 1959

Short stories as Charles Boeckman:

Peeping Tom’s Scrapbook (ss) Keyhole Mystery Magazine Apr 1960
Ambition (ss) Keyhole Mystery Magazine Aug 1960
In Memoriam (ss) Manhunt Jun 1961
Chain Reaction (ss) Manhunt Oct 1961
The Piñata (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Jul 1964
Blind Date (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Sep 1964
Mind Over Murder (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Sep 1972
A Long Crime Ago (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Oct 1972
Class Reunion (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Jun 1973
You Can Get Away with Murder (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Jan 1975
Mr. Banjo (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Jul 1975
The G-String Corpse (ss) Alfred Hitchcock’s Mystery Magazine Aug 1975

Short story or possibly a true story as Charles Beckman, Jr.:

Man Of The Island, Sir! Oct. 1952

Crime novel as Charles Beckman, Jr.:

Honky-Tonk Girl. Falcon 1953; reprint Borgo 2011.

Crime novel as Charles Boeckman:

Snatched!: A Kate and Craig Suspense Story. Pro Se Press 2014. (His last book to be published.)

Western novel as Charles Boeckman:

When the Devil Came to Endless, Avalon 1996.

Sex novels as Alex Carter:

Velvet Jackpot. Softcover Library 1965.
They All Ran Naked. Softcover Library 1967.
Boy-Lover. Softcover Library 1970.
The Games She Played. Softcover Library 1966.
Traded Wives. Softcover Library 1970.
Love Too Soon. Softcover Library 1961.

Sex novels as Charles Beck:

The Bed at the Top. Softcover Library 1965.
Licence to Sin. Softcover Library 1972.

Sex novels as Diane Carter:

I, Prostitute. Softcover Library 1968.
A Man for Diane. Softcover Library 1969.

Romantic novels as Patti Beckman with Patti Beckman (list not complete):

A World of Their Own. Harlequin.
Summer's Storm. Silhouette 1986.
Tender Deception. Silhouette 1982.
Spotlight to Fame. Silhouette 1982.
Thunder at Dawn. Silhouette.
Louisiana Lady. Silhouette.
Nashville Blues.
Dateline: Washington.
Someday My Love.
Captive Heart.
On Stage.
The Beachcomber.
Mermaid's Touch.

Short story collections as Charles Beckman, Jr. (publisher CreateSpace?):

Suspense, Suspicion & Shockers, 2013.
Saddles, Sixguns & Shootouts, 2013.
Blazing Trails and Western Tales, Rough Edges Press 2014.

Non-fiction as Charles Boeckman:

Cool, Hot and Blue, Pocket Books 1970.

PS. Are House of Secrets (Avalon 1992) and Remember Our Yesterdays (Bouregy 1991) as by C. V. Boeckman by Charles Beckman? 

perjantai 2. tammikuuta 2015

V.A. Thiessen

Here's a working bibliography of pulp writer V.A. Thiessen's short stories. Possibly not inclusive. The short intro is taken from an e-mail by possibly Todd Mason. 

Here's the western output I have for Thiessen (no doubt there's more, in just Ranch Romances alone).  He seems to have come in about 1954, at the same time that Helen Tono became editor.  I haven't (yet, anyway) seen any of his work in a Fanny Ellsworth issue.  In fact, all the stories I have by
him are 1954 and 1955.

"The Barber of Buffalo Bend," Ranch Romances, September 10, 1954
"Blizzard Bargain," Ranch Romances, December 17, 1954
"The Devil's Eyeglasses," Ranch Romances, December 3, 1954
"Rendezvous at Night," Ranch Romances, October 21, 1955
 "The Rustler's Woman," Ranch Romances, October 22, 1954

Here's V.E. Thiessen's small sf output (courtesy of Miller/Contento CD-ROM):

THIESSEN, V. E. (stories)
Afraid (ss) Startling Stories Fll '46; given as by W. E. Thiessen.
Her Heart Stood Still (ss) Doc Savage Mar '47
Prisoner in Time (ss) Famous Fantastic Mysteries Apr '47
Asteroid Justice (ss) Planet Stories Fll '47
Spiders of Saturn (ss) Amazing Feb '50
Reach for the Stars (ss) Fantasy Stories Nov '50
They Who Sleep (ss) Amazing May '51
The Beast-Jewel of Mars (nv) Planet Stories Spr '55
There Will Be School Tomorrow (ss) Fantastic Universe Nov '56

"Afraid",  Startling Stories, Fall 1946
"I Love Ugly Faces",  Detective Story Magazine, February 1947
"Her Heart Stood Still",  Doc Savage, March/April 1947
"Death Dust",  Detective Story Magazine, April 1947
"Prisoner in Time", Famous Fantastic Mysteries, April 1947
"Daffodil Moon Murders",  Detective Story Magazine, July 1947
"Cube Root of Mayhem",  Dime Detective, July 1947
"Asteroid Justice",  Planet Stories, Fall 1947
"Calling All Dead",  Dime Mystery Magazine, October 1947
"Mind Over Mayhem",  New Detective May 1948
"Six Tricks Make a Corpse",  Ten Detective Aces, May 1948
"Rope Enough",  Detective Tales, August 1948
"Frozen Stiff",  Detective Tales, December 1948
"She Wouldn't Stay Dead",  Dime Detective, January 1949
"Today's Special - Poison!",  Detective Tales, February 1949
"Spiders of Saturn",  Amazing Stories February 1950
"Last Shakedown", Detective Tales, July 1950
"Doodlebug Murder",  Detective Tales, August 1950
"Reach for the Stars",  Fantasy Stories November 1950
"They Who Sleep",  Amazing Stories May 1951
"A Fine Foggy Night",  Detective Story Magazine, November 1952
"Lady in Hades",  Dime Detective, December 1952
"Lady be Dead",  Popular Detective, January 1953
"The Other Man",  Detective Tales, February 1953
"C.O.D. - Corpse on Delivery",   Detective Story Magazine, March 1953
"You'll Murder 'em Tonight!",   Dime Detective, April 1953
"Write Me Some Death Insurance",  Detective Tales, April 1953
"Fry By Night", New Detective, June 1953
"Kill Me Easy, Kill Me Quick",  Malcolm's, May 1954
"The Judo Punch",  Manhunt, July 1954
"The Barber of Buffalo Bend," Ranch Romances, September 10, 1954
"The Green Door",  Smashing Detective Stories, December 1954
"The Devil's Eyeglasses," Ranch Romances, December 3, 1954
"Blizzard Bargain," Ranch Romances, December 17, 1954
"The Beast-Jewel of Mars",  Planet Stories Spring 1955
"There Will Be School Tomorrow",  Fantastic Universe November 1956
"The Easy Mark",  Saint Detective Magazine, February 1957
"Beyond the Tea Leaves",  Saint Detective Magazine, December 1957
"Man in the Barrel", Trapped Detective Story Magazine, December 1956
"That Deadly, Deadly Smile", Guilty Detective Story Magazine,  May 1957

Bryce Walton

Checking something else I ran into a bibliography of Bryce Walton's novels. Walton wrote juvenile, science fiction, some crime.

Walton, Bryce:

Cave of Danger. New York: Pocket, 1974.
HARPOON GUNNER. New York: Thomas Y Crowell Company, 1968. A stowaway's adventures on board a whaling ship as he seeks the answers to many questions he has about his dead father and his father's profession of harpoon gunner.

The Fire Trail. New York, NY, U.S.A.: HarperCollins 1974.

Hurricane Reef. New York: Thomas Y. Crowell Company, 1970. Hard Cover.

THE LONG NIGHT. FALCON BOOK, (ORIGINAL 1952), ed. 42, hardboiled crime novel.

Sons of the Ocean Deep. Winston, 1952.